2002.12.18 move complete:

if you can see this post, our move to the new server is complete and life can soon return to normal. and yes, you can stop holding your breath now.

- 05:19 pm :: permalink :: 3 comments
categories ::  Bipolar: News

3 Responses to “move complete:”

Geoff said:

so i go there and can't find the mp3 download. I like pj harvey….I want the mp3. where is it really? Guess I'll keep listening to J5's new album…

# December 18, 2002,

m@ said:

well mr. gee-off, if that's really your name…

if you'd taken note of the tooltip text, it says "click for more information", not "get the mp3" or some such…

and i heard you were a web guru. 😉

seriously though, i wanted to be able to set up WinAMP so it'd automatically upload the mp3 i was listening to the site so people could just download it, but unfortunately DoSomething (the winamp plugin i'm using) doesn't offer that as a standard function, nor have i been able to figure it out. also unfortunately, i don't really have enough space to just upload my entire mp3 collection to my server… so, we're stuck with WinAMP's "now playing" info page.

i tried. really i did.

# December 19, 2002,

Geoff said:

i AM a guru and near genius at that…as such i rarely if ever read anything akin to 'instructions' or wait for 'tool-tips'.


# December 23, 2002,

