2003.03.10 can they win the fight for peace?:

damn you blogger and your timing out…

just wanted to drop a note that it looks like i'll be writing various bits for eq.stratics.com. i'll be writing up news items and such, contributing to their coverage of the game that scott and i are currently addicted to: everquest online adventures. maybe i'll sneak a "7 questions" style interview by 'em…

other than that? not much, aside from working, sleeping, and eating.

looks like jack's either been busy or busy being dead: as the apple turns hasn't been updated in a long while. maybe the combination of a new baby and heavy snows in the area (new england) have kept him busier than normal. or maybe katie did exceptionally well on jeopardy…

the question that's been plaguing me recently is "who the hell invented the urinal cake?" there's discussion of it in the theatrical version of joe's apartment, but i want the real story… the internet, in it's vast (i thought infinite) wisdom, has yet to provide me an answer. maybe i need to sacrifice a few more chickens to google.

- 10:48 pm :: permalink
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