2003.03.28 running for cover:

well, tomorrow Sara runs the Papa John's 10 Miler, which means that i get to get up before 7:30 am again on a Saturday. Thankfully, she's only planning on doing the Triple Crown once. 7:30am was not meant for Saturdays.

found out about protest records the other day–it's a site run by Thurston Moore to collect the anti-war projects of different musicians. so far, there are two volumes of mp3s on the site, and there's some really good stuff in there. I originally found it because Mudhoney will soon be releasing a song as part of this project.

i've been having one of those weeks where i just haven't felt right all week. i'm not sick or anything, i just can't seem to get to bed before 3:00am, and my body feels like it's turning on itself. as if no matter what i'm going to do, i'm just going to feel miserable & uncomfortable. i think i just need more regular sleep. i think that would help a lot.

don't forget: April 11th, the Rudyard Kipling, 10:00PM, $4.00 cover.

- 11:07 am :: permalink :: 14 comments
categories ::  Cool Links - Lucifigous Prick - Music - Politics - Wife

14 Responses to “running for cover:”

Javan said:

I know you aren't going to agree with me, but don't you think that we should support our troops now that they are over there? I mean, they are over there, they aren't coming back, what is the use of protesting? At this time, we should support our troops.

# March 28, 2003,

Javan said:

That is, they aren't coming back without reaching their objectives.

# March 28, 2003,

Sara said:

What if I decide to run it again? Women are prone to change their minds you know!

# March 28, 2003,

Sara said:

Protesting war doesn't indicate a lack of support for our troops. Two seperate issues.

# March 28, 2003,

hal jordan said:

umm/….. what show are u talking about at the rud exactly i havent been there in awhile i just happened to find this site and thought u might know of the upcoming shows there

# March 28, 2003,
# March 29, 2003,

m@ said:

mr. lantern, you can stop by the rud's website for a complete list of upcoming shows.

also, a couple other places with good lists of upcoming shows are:

these two are just off the top of my head, there are probably some others. also, i know that louisvilleshowcase "generally" leans more towards indie rock shows (though they're "trying" not to), and that fear the 502 definitely leans more towards local hardcore type stuff.

and, of course, the show i was talking about specifically was the show my band is participating in, alongside Blue Goat War and Front Porch Campaign… see a couple posts ago for an image of the show flyer, also, check http://www.lucifigousprick.com/ for more info on my band, and links to the other two bands' sites also.

should be a fun show, hope you can make it!

# March 30, 2003,

the puffin said:

i can think of no better way of supporting our troops then by removing them from a senseless war they shouldn't fight in the first place. i support the troops but not the war.

# March 31, 2003,

brian. said:

word to the puffin.

# April 1, 2003,

anonymous said:

If Puffin doesn't return to blogging by 0800 hours, the dwarf gets it.

# April 3, 2003,

the puffin said:

as much as i love the little people, i'm sorry to say that the a-go-go has been put to pasture.

# April 3, 2003,

anonymous said:

The blood of an innocent drawf is on your hands.

Good luck getting any sleep…

# April 4, 2003,

haljordan said:

well thanks do u like lucero there playning the rud on the 19 th the last time i was there wa to see lou barlow and since u like indie rock im assuming u know who he is … well it me up i any good indie rock show s come to town bipolar….what do u like im into like do may say think ,sebadoh,appleseed caste,pavement,any old louisville bands like eleven-eleven,the loved ,metroshifter,sunspring,and falling forward. i also like ida , shipping news . the poor rich ones ,cursive and undreground hip hop is good

# April 4, 2003,

m@ said:

haven't heard lucero yet… i'm guessing they're an indie-rock type band? as far as that goes, i'd say brian (the guy on the left side of bipolar) is more into the indie-rock genre than i am, and he's also got more ties to the local music scene than i've been able to forge yet.

and honestly, i need to get more involved in the local scene, but i'm a lazy bastard and habitual procrastinator. i've been trying to go to more shows lately, but i'm still missing out on a lot.

# April 7, 2003,

