2003.05.01 slay, slaying, slew, slain:

so, there have been a whole slew of things i've wanted to post about the past few days, but i've been Biz-AY. i'll attempt to recap.

Sara's race went well… er… except for the whole knee-collapsing-almost-falling thing. but she was a trooper and finished the race anyway. she may not've gotten the time she wanted (it's not like she was really doing it as a competition anyway), but she finished, and that's the important thing. i'm really proud of her. she didn't even start training until January, and she did the whole Louisville Triple Crown. have i mentioned what a lucky guy i am?

our trip to visit the fam went well, also. the entire family, of course, was thrilled to see my sister (the frenchie) who gets to come home twice a year if we're lucky. i'd like to think they were thrilled to have me home as well, because they've probably seen my sister more recently than myself (she went with them to visit dad's side of the family at christmas, i believe). but this is, of course, because i'm just a bad son who never calls or writes or visits without some sort of prompting. i don't do it on purpose, really. i just allow my life to interfere with itself too much.

anyway, the trip went well. sara had a good time i believe, and likes my family, so that's good. they definitely like her, so that's good too. it was also very cool to get to take an extended trip (24 hrs, but still) with my girlfriend. i'm looking forward to many more road trips with her.

i was visiting sharon's site the other day, and she had a post talking about how some scientist in America was getting "boycotted" by a scientist from Italy because of his citizenship. basically, the italian scientist pointed to the questionable foreign policy of our government, and in fact, to the current American cultural climate as a whole as reason enough to entirely boycott American science. i many ways, i understand and agree with this Italian scientist. there is not much in our current political administration or in our current cultural mainstream that i would agree with or support in any way. our leaders are insane, greedy men. our people are needy, greedy, and largely self-centered. the "upper class" won't make an effort to raise the standard of living for the "lower class", and the "lower class" finds it hard to break out of the habits established by their predecessors. we all apparently want to be fat & lazy & get everything for nothing. (these are broad statements, probably too much so. there are almost always exceptions). anyway, go, read the post.

yesterday, i finally got the latest lucifigous prick demo tracks online. go check 'em out. these are definitely our best room recordings to date. we're really really pleased with them. they sound great for room recordings. i can't wait to actually lay some real tracks down.

today, i just uploaded and updated Old Man's site, for the sole purpose of adding their new demo track. they just got to play around with Pro Tools a bit over the weekend while i was out of town, and they really put together a stellar track for their first experiment with the new equipment.

i've a good feeling more tracks will be coming very shortly from both bands.

ok. i think that covers it.

- 04:37 pm :: permalink :: 6 comments
categories ::  Family - Friends - Happy/Love - Lucifigous Prick - Music - Politics - Travel - Wife

6 Responses to “slay, slaying, slew, slain:”

Javan said:

I still don't see why you take the liberty to call our leaders insane, greedy men. Although I do agree on the fat American part.

# May 2, 2003,

m@ said:

i call them insane, greedy men because that's what i see them as.

# May 2, 2003,

scott said:

i agree m@… has anyone else been having horrible apocalyptic visions relating to our current government?

# May 3, 2003,

Javan said:

no, i haven't… has anyone else had apocalyptic visions relating to what would have happened if saddam had not have been ousted?

# May 12, 2003,

m@ said:

honestly, i had apocalyptic visions the moment i heard that Georgie-boy was to be made President. obviously, those visions weren't entirely without merit.

but yes, i see your point, eventually yes, Saddam would have been the source of even more trouble. i still am not quite sure that the means justify the ends, however.

# May 13, 2003,

scott said:

Yeah, we gave Saddam the boot from a country that wasn't ours to begin with. Great. That doesn't alleviate the fact that the rest of the middle-east still despises the U.S. and our involvement over there. And what about this deadlock we are heading straight for with North Korea? Or how about any of the countless other people and countries this government is trying to force our ideals upon?

And while this is not on the same scale as a nuclear war, how about Bushie's ongoing attempts to get the European Union to throw out its ban on GMO foods? Speaking of insane greedy men. The one and only reason he wants to do this is so we can sell more of that good ole genectically mutated "food" we seem so eager to produce over here. Personally, I don't like the fact that he is trying to bypass people's rights to know what they are consuming. And on top of that, the threat of a consumer backlash in the EU could hurt U.S. business interests far worse than the ban. It's certainly clear to me the our dear President is leading us in the right direction. Way to go!

# May 13, 2003,

