2003.06.20 gonna keep you awake:

it's a sad day when you realize transmission3000 is getting updated more often than my side of bipolar. i've been getting a whole slew of new shows, so i'm trying to keep it updated, over there. since i took the time to get it moved over to movable type, i figure i should make use of it and update the thing. expect shows from hot snakes, trans am, drive like jehu and jawbreaker soon.

now, back to my actual life

i was sitting around, working on transmission3000, and my little sister called. she informed me that there were a bunch of pro skaters down at the skatepark and told me she wanted me to come down and hang out. so i cruised down there to chill for a while and ended up not finding my sister. i also forgot my camera, which proved to be a big mistake when ed templeton started doing insane disaster slides on the lip of the 13 foot bowl, right in front of me. damn.

anyhowways, i was hanging out after they got done skating, talking to the guy that's been filming them (the toy machine team) on this tour. turns out we have a mutual friend from kansas city, so we talked about that and whatever else. while we were standing there bullshitting, ed kept taking pictures of my profile. the team was hungry, so we all ended up cruising down to kashmir to get some dinner. ed ended up declaring it a "toy machine dinner," since it was the last tour stop and they were all headed home, and he ended up covering my dinner, as well. they were all really nice guys, and i ended up getting a couple of email addresses to swap some photo prints (and live radiohead shows) with ed.

the girlfriend is coming home tomorrow. she should be back before i have to leave for work, which is nice. jess (the ex-roommate/ex-girlfriend/still good friend) is getting married on sunday, so we'll be going to that.

and as of right now, i'm still sitting at work, wondering what i'm gonna end up doing when i get out of here in an hour and a half…

- 10:09 pm :: permalink
categories ::  Nothing - Transmission3000

