2004.02.02 love will get you down:

here it is, the second month of the new year. has anyone spotted any 2004 pennies yet? that's always a good judge of the year being underway, i guess.

punxsutawney phil saw his shadow, which means, if legend proves true, that we're in for more winter. my question is…how the hell can that little guy not be startled? i mean…shit. tons of people swarmed around, tons of lights…there must be shadows everywhere. i think it would be funny if they just started doing the same thing to some guy down the road. every february 2nd, the guy wakes up and groggily goes out to get the paper and then realizes he has a million cameras in his face. he'd freak out, run inside, and we'd be stuck with six more weeks of winter.

louisville is still bathed in ice and slush from last week's little arctic blast. we had ice raining down from the sky last sunday and monday, a slight thaw on tuesday and then snow later in the week. lucky me, i slipped on the ice and fell down the stairs in front of the house. slammed my ass on the pavement hard enough to ring my head and hit the side of my back on the corner of the bottom step. bruised some muscles in my back enough that i had to go to the doctor last thursday. he gave me muscle relaxers. needless to say, my back now feels great.

i spent the weekend hanging out and drinking with joe and billy and practicing with the band. fun times.

i really haven't posted since the girl made her move up to columbus, oh. she's doing some art school up there, and now we're having to deal with having quite a bit of distance between the two of us. it's not something i'm enjoying, but there's not really anything i can do about it, short of moving to columbus, which i'm not going to do. so i'm stuck working my job every day and missing her all the time. sounds fun, doesn't it?

speaking of my job, i found this great little time waster. it helps keep my mind off the fact that i'm actually working. it's no bookworm, but it'll do in a pinch. zuma also looks kinda neat, but i can't get the game to load, here at work. oh well. shit happens.

back to work.

- 12:11 pm :: permalink :: 3 comments
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3 Responses to “love will get you down:”

lisa said:

Man, I love Bookworm. I think I found out about it by reading your site, too. Thanks for helping the rest of us wile the long hours at work away.

# February 2, 2004,

brian. said:

I'm still working on a robot double that will go to work for me so I can wile those hours away at home. In bed. Sleeping.

# February 5, 2004,

Lisa said:

Man, wouldn't that be the shit? I'd have my robot double do all kinds of things that I hate doing- going to work, taking out the trash, washing the dishes, going to the dentist…. Everyone needs a robot double!

# February 5, 2004,

