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Archive for March, 2004

2004.03.11 right into the silver screen:

good ol' march. good ol' nice weather not hanging around. thanks a lot, mother nature. you bitch.


i've decided that i hate "mary-oke" at seidenfadens on wednesday nights. mary insists on singing every third song herself and, well, she can't sing. i had to tolerate her butchering "free bird" and sweet child o' mine." the last one was almost enough to make me go over there and knock the girl out. and the other people doing karaoke? they're no better. it's no wonder i never do that shit.

ahhh…sweet thursday. i'm off work on fridays and saturdays, so this is the last day of my work week. my friday, if you will. i'm sitting around, enjoying not thinking about anything, just taking it easy. i'll be off for 5 days, after today. i'm headed up to columbus to spend some time with the girl. should be a lot of fun.

before i do that, though, i have to fix my fucking brakes. in the past two and a half weeks i've had almost the entire front end redone on my car. it's like, all at once, it became a money pit. i had the clutch replaced (something that i've needed to do for almost a year now), both front axles replaced, a new ball joint put i on the driver's side and a realignment. i also got the tires rotated and balanced to get rid of a nasty shaking that popped up at around 75mph. not cool. but the shake is gone now. and now the brakes are grinding. i'll replace those friday, though. shouldn't be a big deal.

to help offset all these crazy repair costs, i've put some old 7"s from my collection up on the ol' ebay. take a look, see if there's anything you're interested in, and if so…buy it. all of those are out of print and generally pretty hard to find.

okay…i need to get back to (not) working.

- 12:50 pm - PL :: 1 Comment
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