2004.07.22 bring it on:

i've been hanging out with my sweetheart all night, so i've only got a few minutes to get today's post in under the wire. and what should i see upon ascending the stairs to the technological sauna that is our family room/computer area, but Paul the inimitable Puffin playing some funky weird game based on the struggle between good and evil. i'm sure you've all seen this, 'cause if i'm seeing it, then it has to have been making the rounds… but anyway, any port in a storm is what i always say.

how 'bout this: http://www.emogame.com/bushgame.html


- 11:33 pm :: permalink :: 1 comment
categories ::  Cool Links - Pleased/Like - Politics - Wife

One Response to “bring it on:”

m@ said:

oh, and i actually played the game too. it's pretty damned funny, surprisingly informative, though somewhat crass and irreverent. if you're easily offended, you might just check out the Educational bits that are listed in one of the dropdowns at the bottom of the page.

# July 23, 2004,

