2004.07.23 bottom of the ocean she dwells:

it seems like my review of black sabbath's paranoid is getting some interesting responses, over at 75 or less. gotta love stuck up indie kids with no sense of humor or love for real rock and roll.

yesterday i got out of work early and went about the arduous task of finding l&n a new practice space. things aren't looking up. i'm sure we'll find something, but this is a royal pain in the ass.

the more i think about it, the more i'm inclined to call yesterday, as a whole, a wash. nothing good came from yesterday. paychecks didn't come in, i had a massive headache, itunes fucked up my mp3 organization, i didn't find us a practice space…all a bunch of bullshit. today hasn't been much better, really.

the girl gets home tonight. the debutantes are playing at the rud, so i think we may squeeze over there to check out the show. sounds like it should be a good time.

other than that…i got nothin'.

- 06:41 pm :: permalink :: 1 comment
categories ::  L&N - Music - Nothing

One Response to “bottom of the ocean she dwells:”

ben said:

Idiots. I recently purloinchased that Sabbath "Best of" couple-disc set, and it is ALL RAD. Paranoid is mind-blowing compared to what else was going on then, and still remains relevant today. Sabbath gets a bit of toss-off rap nowadays thanks to Ozzy being a cartoon, but back in their prime they were ahead of their time.

Just listen to "Supernaut" in the car and try to keep it under 90 miles an hour — YOU CAN'T — it rocks that much.

# July 26, 2004,

