2004.07.27 big black shape with eyes of fire:

sometimes mondays turn out pretty okay, i guess. last night after work, i headed over to danny's for a little halo action. The usual crew was in attendence. beer was consumed and enjoyed. friends were shot in the face with fake digital shotguns. who says america is a hotbed of violent culture?

while we were over at danny's, brooksie and i were able to see a test print of the l&n shirt. it's so incredibly badass, it's insane. i'm really hoping we'll have them ready by the show on friday.

oh…yeah…we're playing at woody's on friday. they called and asked us to play the show, kinda at the last minute. the info has been added to the l&n page. after the show we're gonna lug everything straight over to the funeral home to start recording on sunday night. let me tell ya…i'm so incredibly excited about lugging everything up those twisty-ass stairs…

the girl is headed home to columbus for the rest of the week. she should be home for the show on friday, which is good.

time for me to get back to not working…

- 02:56 pm :: permalink
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