2004.09.15 sun up, sun up, the sun is sinkin':

we now own a large spindle of pressed and printed cds of the L&N demo. excellent. now all we have to do is decide how we want to package it and finish the layout. ho hum.

here's a flyer for our next show (designed by angryblue). it's a festival type thing, so there's gonna be a lot of bands. show up and check it out.

it looks like mozilla and spreadfirefox.com are trying to rack up 1 million firefox downloads in 10 days. go over there and help 'em out. and then thank them for making a superior web browser.

i got nothin'. i'm praying for a little midweek, hump day get together of some sort tonight.

- 05:58 pm :: permalink :: 2 comments
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2 Responses to “sun up, sun up, the sun is sinkin':”

Seth said:

You are never, ever, again, going to play a show on a day I'm off work, are you?

# September 15, 2004,

brian. said:

The Nashville show is on a Sunday!

# September 16, 2004,

