2004.09.16 a day it changes everything:

it looks like the plan came together quite well. the midweek get together that i was hoping for actually ended up happening. i got home from work and called kevin, who was right around the corner at drew's place. i went over there for a beer and then we walked the couple of blocks to jeremy and el's house. we sat around there for a while and the viking and blaine even ended up showing up. it's really awesome that everyone now lives within a few blocks of each other.

other than that, not much really going on. in the ongoing drama that is the retrieval of the data on my bad drive, i'm handing both hard drives (the bad one and its replacement) over to seth so he can try to salvage what he can.

firefox 1.0 is awesome, but i've had it crash more than any other build of firefox. ever. it really seems to hate pages that actually are supposed to launch pop-ups. as soon as i click on a javascript link on a majority of pages, firefox crashes. and burns. in a spectacular fashion. i hope they get this fixed before the actual release of the product. then there's the issue with the scrolling frames on matt's new coding of bipolar…

but don't let those things stop you! download firefox and cut the internet explorer chains! you'll be thankful that you did.

- 08:36 pm :: permalink
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