2004.10.05 you done it to death:

that review of the new hot snakes record? in the can. expect it up on 75 or less tomorrow. jon didn't want to run it today because he was busy being a corporate whore.

i git my new dvr box all hooked up and running, last night. it's nice to know that the headache of getting all this cable shit hooked up and working is pretty much over. now we just have to sit back and enjoy endless channels of absolutely nothing to watch. excellent.

i had some thing i was going to write about yesterday and ended up going off in another direction. i made a mental note to post about it today, but i seem to have…ummm…misplaced that mental note. maybe i'll remember tomorrow.

congratulations to the winner of the ansari x prize. blaine and i are stoked about this. i wonder if they're taking bookings for virgin galactic yet…

- 08:34 pm :: permalink
categories ::  Music - Nothing

