2004.10.07 please don't leave me on the highway:

jon finally posted my new hot snakes review. i know it's short, but it's about as "to the point" as i could get it. if you don't own that record, go buy it now.

now…on to office politics…

dear customer service rep,

hi. my name is brian. you might know me from the high speed data department. every now and then people from your department like to transfer me calls, just because you hear the word "internet" come out of the customer's mouth. when this happens, i like to ask you a few questions to assess the problem, so i can make sure you're not transferring me a call out of your own pure laziness. fine and dandy, right? we're all just covering our asses. lookin' out for #1 and all that. so when i ask you some questions, don't get flustered and act like you know what the fuck you're talking about. because you don't. you're a fucking idiot.

so here's a helpful little suggestion: don't tell me how to do my job and i won't tell you how to do yours.


your pal,
high speed data department

other than that, i got nothin'. i've been watching too much tv, lately. i think it might have something to do with that fancypants cable box i just got installed. yep. i think that might be it. something tells me having every fucking channel our cable system offers and a dvr box to record shows that i would otherwise miss…yeah. i think that might be a problem.

- 06:41 pm :: permalink
categories ::  Music - Nothing

