2004.10.21 i'm breathing so i guess i'm still alive:

first off, i don't think i have stomach cancer. if i had stomach cancer, something tells me that i'd be in a lot more pain than i am, on a day to day basis. that said, i'm not looking forward to getting up at 6:30 am to have a doctor x-ray my stomach. getting up that early isn't something i like to do under any circumstances, let alone to have to go to the hospital.

so i can't eat after 7pm tonight. i have to "fast" before i go in for them to do this x-ray shit. splendid. so i bought a little thing of microwave velveeta shells and cheese, which i intend on eating at 6:59. i'm gonna run that shit down to the wire, you bet.

fazoli's is on my shit list. read all about it here. i normally find it hard to write a post a day here, let alone anywhere else, but i had to get that rant out.

i think i'm on the only computer in the entire office that doesn't have acrobat reader installed on it. splendid.

7:03pm verdict: the shells and cheese were fuckin' nasty.

- 07:06 pm :: permalink :: 5 comments
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5 Responses to “i'm breathing so i guess i'm still alive:”

m@ said:

how'd the x-rays come out?

if you're dying, i want your guitar.

# October 23, 2004,

Jennifer said:

Hope you're better soon Brian! Best wishes.

# October 23, 2004,

ben said:

Yo dawg. I had that barium X-ray thing done to me a couple of years back. The barium milkshake is no, uh, "greak shakes", but the X-ray is actually pretty cool. Later, I had an upper-gastrointestinal exam done with this Matrix-esque looking camera thing, which they knocked me out for. I don't remember that day very clearly. It was pretty wild. The stuff they gave me "induces amnesia". Wow! Yeah, I'll say. It didn't hurt at all, and surprisingly my throat wasn't even sore. At the end of it they gave me a print-out with pictures of my endoscopy showing my mild case of gastritis. I have some scans of it here: http://thelocust.org/gallery/endoscopy. So, yeah, I thought I might have had some serious shit going on there, but it turned out to be essentially a stress-induced near-ulcer. I was about to be married at the time, you see 🙂

# October 25, 2004,

brian. said:

I don't think I'm dying.

I didn't get the X-Rays run. That actually happens next week.

# October 25, 2004,

brian. said:

Oh..and thanks a lot for the well wishes. Like I said, I'm sure everything is A-OK.

# October 27, 2004,

