2004.11.11 protector of the kennel:

firefox 1.0 was officially released on tuesday. i recommend that everyone go and download it. it will change your life for the better.

unfortunately, i botched my install of it, last night. i'll have to completely nuke my profile (for firefox) and start with a clean install when i get home tonight.

i'm also working on a dvd of this nirvana show. if anyone has a high quality video file of this performance or the rehearsals please let me know. or, more to the point: gimme gimme gimme.

seth and i were talking last night about how we wish that someone would release a comprehensive dvd (or dvd set) of all these assorted nirvana mtv performances. and is it too much to ask for dvd versions of Live! Tonight! Sold Out!! and 1991 – The Year Punk Broke? i mean…shit. someone needs to get on the ball. with the new box set coming out, they should have all of this shit ready to go on the swanky dvd format.

actually…there's this entry on amazon which is interesting. it says it's not planned, but they'll email you when it is released. it also says "You'll also be voting for this release; we'll let the studio know how many customers are waiting for this title." interesting. now…just need a few hundred more people besides me to sign up and we'll be on our way.

top 3 drum intros ever:
1. when the levee breaks – led zeppelin
2. paradise city – guns 'n' roses
3. scentless apprentice – nirvana

the brian death watch: i'm still alive. you can't have my guitar yet.

- 02:03 pm :: permalink :: 3 comments
categories ::  Music - Nothing

3 Responses to “protector of the kennel:”

Javan said:

oh, c'mon… scentless apprentice is just number 3? I dunno…

and download firefox. Just do it. Ya want a reason aside from it being generally good in every way I've yet found? You're not supporting M$. So there.

# November 13, 2004,

brian. said:

Brooksie commented that Scentless Apprentice shouldn't even be listed, as "only Nirvana fans would recognize the song," whereas the others are recognized by most anyone. I think he's wrong.

# November 17, 2004,

Javan said:

I think he's wrong too. That is an awesome drum intro. It can stick in your head for DAYS.

# November 18, 2004,

