2004.11.22 a year's subscription of bad puns:

ugh. what a weekend. i got to start it out as early as thursday, when i woke up with some stomach pain and ended up going to the doctor. the doctor then, through a comedy of errors, decided to set me up for a cat scan of my stomach on friday. so on friday i went to the hospital as directed, only to have my insurance company decline to authorize the procedure, as they weren't convinced it was needed. i'm really glad the insurance company doesn't want me to know what's wrong with me. it's really great to know i have people like them looking out for me.

regardless of stomach pain, L&N played our scheduled show at the swanson reed gallery. prior to playing the show, we hadn't practiced for over 3 weeks. surprisingly enough, we didn't suck royally. i was semi-pleased with the performance.

our next show is december 11th at dutch's tavern with arch. more details as i get them. hopefully we can practice before then…

after the show i went out for dinner with danny, priscilla and brent at los aztecas. mmmmm…delicious mexican food.

other than that stuff, i've been playing halo 2 pretty much every night. for those interested, you can check out the rss feed for my stats here. i'm not really that good.

maybe i should spend more time working than thinking about halo 2. nah…

- 03:35 pm :: permalink
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