2004.12.06 i'm a live wire:

i hate not having anything in particular to post about, yet knowing i should post. it's…maddening.

we're playing a show saturday at dutch's tavern. it looks like we'll probably be doing it sans rehearsal, once again, as we still don't have a space. the last show didn't go incredibly bad, so hopefully this one will be a little better.

i have been pissing every 20 minutes, today. it's insane. at least i'm not dehydrated, i guess.

it's been unseasonably warm over the past couple of days, here in louisville. it's nice, but i'm just waiting for the full force of winter to come kick us all in the ass.

and now that i've resorted to talking about the fucking weather, i'm done for today.

- 07:03 pm :: permalink
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