2005.03.07 finally:

sorry for the silence (not entirely uncharacteristic for me, but nevertheless), but a few weeks ago there were some issues with our web host which resulted in our installation of movabletype getting corrupted or broken somehow. so, we were effectively muzzled.

after struggling to establish some meaningful dialogue with the hosting provider (or someone even peripherally associated with them) i decided to move us to a new host. we're back up (if you can read this we are, anyway), so hopefully when things get settled out around here we'll get back on our regularly sparse schedule.

if you poke around you'll probably find some broken stuff here and there, and certainly the gallery scripts are going to have to be looked at. now, if one of you could magically lend me a couple extra five hours or so, that'd be great.

house hunting… bah humbug… there really are a lot of stupid people who don't take care of their property properly, y'know. get with it people, i need a house i don't have to strip and rebuild!

anyway, there are still a couple prospects, but the one we put an offer in on got yanked out from under us by the bastard who didn't want to spend the money to fix things he should have fixed or had done properly the first time he fixed/changed them.

- 08:56 pm :: permalink :: 7 comments
categories ::  Bipolar: News

7 Responses to “finally:”

Jen said:

Grr, stupid hosts…glad you're back up now.

Sounds like you're getting your first taste of the multitudinous "joys of home-ownership".

Welcome aboard the crazy train, and good luck.

# March 9, 2005,

Paul said:

Yeah, and once you finally close the money spending doesn't stop. There's the joy of modifying the house to your needs no matter how cool it is. Still, I can't wait to finally be moved in and settled a bit.

# March 10, 2005,

Sharon Edmonds said:

Glad that the cute little quip is back 😉 Say hi to Sara for me, Grant and I would love to meet her (again) 😀

I can empathize with you though… We had such a hard time finding a house we liked up here, including dealing with the same rug-pulled-out-from-under-us scenario that you experienced (with TWO houses). Wish you the best of luck 🙂

# March 29, 2005,

Javan said:

shall we ever see another post, house buying bro?

# April 1, 2005,

m@ said:

we have the house, all my crap is there, and i'm getting settled in. i don't know if i'll feel i have time to post this week (things are still crazy busy trying to get everything set up, arranged, unpacked, etc.) but i'm hoping that come the weekend or next week, i'll be able to devote some time to posting.

# April 5, 2005,

Jennifer said:

>bangs knife and fork on table impatiently<

Pic-tures!! Piiic-tures!!

…ok, I guess it can wait…I suppose. 😉
Congratulations, you two!

# April 8, 2005,

Sharon Edmonds said:

oh… my… god… i just noticed that you have themes. how many years has it been?!?!? and wow, my purple theme is up there!!!! i feel so speshell 😉

# April 11, 2005,

