2004.08.19 checkin' the stations:

it appears the secret to getting wings is to go on wednesday. spring street has half price appetizers on wednesday night (the pitchers of beer, on the other hand, are full price). included in the "appetizers" are wing baskets of varying sizes. last night we got a 20 wing basket and barely finished it. those fuckers were huge.

i really don't know why i've been so obsessed with wings lately.

i think i've had the same headache for a couple of months now. i only seem to have this headache on days i work, though. i wonder what could be causing this…

my buddy mike has a new site up and running, slowsong.com. thanks to him, i now know that they have a web/java-based version of the old hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy text game. awesome. i wish you could save it, though…

i'm drawing blanks, here…i can't think of anything interesting to post…

oh. i'm beta testing a new game for the playstation 2 called killzone. it's actually pretty good. i didn't like it, at first, but it's started to grow on me. unfortunately, the public beta is riddled with bugs (which the dev team has assured us it is working on) and the loading times are pretty slow. other than that, the graphics look pretty damn great. i may even buy the game when it comes out. how's that grab ya?

i got nothin' else…

- 06:27 pm :: permalink :: 2 comments
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2 Responses to “checkin' the stations:”

Seth said:

The Hitchhiker's Guide web-based thingy is actually a java zcode interpreter (where zcode is the byte-compiled language Infocom's games were written in). So they could plug any game in there.

If you want to play HHGTG and actually save it, let me know. I have the game, and an interpreter installed on mongoose.

# August 26, 2004,

brian. said:

I was wondering why they couldn't just set up the save games with cookies (like they did with Peasant's Quest), but i guess that explains it.

# August 27, 2004,

