2005.11.15 posterity & procrastination:

in the interests of complete and total procrastination on the novel-writing front (2640 words), i have undertaken a massive clean-up operation here on bipolar. at least, on my side of things. i've changed the permalinks to link to the individual post pages, rather than the monthly pages, and i've gone through every single one of my old posts to bring them in line with some of the better ways i've figured out to do things since we started. javascript new window links are now "accessible" (which just means they should work for people *without* javascript as well), all self-referential links point to individual post pages instead of monthlies with a hash anchor.

i've found quite a few dead links, and have started treating them in a standardized way (when i can't find a replacement or updated link)…

oh, and the big thing… all those posts in the "Old Posts" category from before we moved to movable type have now been gone through and assigned actual relevant categories. "Old Posts" (is/are) no more!

i also did a little jimmy'ing with the categories page, so now the categories are sized (and weighted) a little more sensibly.

the last thing i need to do is go through each post and hunt for linkrot. i've done a little already, but i've skipped around a bunch, so i'm sure there are more to be found.

all that stuff, and i've set up a new machine at home and installed SuSE linux on it. too many toys, too little time!

now, let's see if i can procrastinate on my procrastinating and get some work on on that novel…

- 11:15 am :: permalink :: 4 comments
categories ::  Bipolar: News - Computers/Tech - NaNoWriMo - Nostalgia - Personal Projects - Pleased/Like - Writing

4 Responses to “posterity & procrastination:”

javan said:

your comment board just officially got skeeted on

# December 13, 2005,

javan said:

how's bryan?

# December 13, 2005,

m@ said:

yeah. not the first time, for sure. blog spamming still as rampant as ever, but at least i've got MT set up with a plugin that automatically closes the comments on older posts.

Unfortunately, the move to the new servers (or upgrades to some of the Perl modules) ended up breaking the MTBlacklist plugin… so more and more of these are getting by and i'm having to manually delete them again.

Next step is to finally get WordPress installed and running. I was trying to wait 'til wordpress could do multiple blogs on a single install, but it looks like that's a long time coming, so i'm just going to have to bite the bullet and install multiple copies.

I know, more info than you really needed.

As for Brian (who's "Bryan?"), he's been quiet for a while. It would seem he's pretty much given up on bipolar as a blog (though i believe he's still adding stuff to his photo gallery).

# December 13, 2005,

javan said:

ooops… sorry for the misspelling.

# December 14, 2005,

