2000.11.09 blow me away:

wow. we just had a tornado warning here at work and we had to evacuate to the basement. this would have been really exciting and cool if we had been down there longer than 5 minutes. what a waste. tornado? poop, i say.

this day is crawling insanely slow. i've noted it many, many times…but i know it's because i'm skipping town tomorrow. i can't leave this place a moment sooner…but having my car broken kinda helps…matt now has to pick me up from work when he gets off from his job, that way we can take care of all of our pretrip goodness. god this update is lame.

and something really needs to be done about this palm beach county crap. everyone freakin' knows that none of those old jewish people would vote for that veritable neo-nazi buchanan. i mean…come on! get a frickin' brain, people!

sorry. got a little excited there. won't happen again.

empire strikes back is the greatest movie ever made. so shut the hell up, already.

i have nothing impotant to say. visit puffin-a-go-go.

- 04:16 pm
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