2000.11.16 rock and roll is dead:

let me tell you about my little car. as much as i state how much i hate the fucking thing…i really love it. yes, i will be replacing her whenever it becomes financially possible (yes…i said "her."), but i'd hope that she gets to go to car heaven when i'm done with her. i just got the word back today that the "no brakes of death" problem has been fixed. this actually came as quite a shock because i hadn't heard back from the mechanics since she'd been taking in to "see what's wrong with her." so expecting an estimate, and a huge one at that (you should have heard that noise…i still get chills…), i get word that she's fixed. shock! "wait! i didn't tell you to do this! i don't even know how much this is going to set me back!" no worries, pal…the work fell under the warranty from the last time the brakes were fixed. free of charge, bucko. and she gets to come home tomorrow morning. rock.

and i finally got my bank card yesterday. this is a stoke factor, as well. i now have the right to purchase. i wonder if jack has gotten his yet?

kerry was rather down about something last night. she never got around to telling me what it was, though. hrm. maybe it's her turn to be on the receiving end of some sneakiness….

matt and his dad seem to be having quite the heated political discussion via email these past few days. matt's dad happens to be a devout republican, as well as a big "family values" man. thus he's a big bush supporter. matt, on the other hand, is trying to drive the nader point home to ol' pops. you can imagine the hijinks! exciting!

and now…back to your regularly scheduled drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone

- 11:32 am
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