2000.11.28 try not to breathe:

have you ever had on of those days? where sleep seems like a distant memory? where it feels like you got up about a week ago? yeah. one of those days.

i've been napping off and on for two days now. and when i finally go to bed, it's only to get right back up and head out to work again. i just feel like i've been drilling myself into the ground lately and getting nothing accomplished. the pizza, beer, and webdesign evening turned out to be going to za's for calzones and a beer and talking about webdesign. once we got home, it was timsplitters all the way. the playstation 2 will end up being the bane of my existence.

so yeah. i'm off tomorrow. i'm probably not going to use that day to accomplish anything. i'm stating this in advance because i know i have a ton of shit to do to prepare for my big trip this weekend. i'll probably end up doing laundry tomorrow, if i'm lucky. other than that? i'll probably be a non-gettin' stuff done kinda dude.

i think i'm gonna put on fight club and fall asleep to it.

- 02:02 am
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