2002.08.21 wall, up against it:

i keep dilly-dallying and generally fucking around and forgetting to update this wacky l'il site. i would make a promise to be more regular with my updates, but that would be a promise, and i'm not feeling very 100% about those, at the moment.

speaking of "regular"…all this coffee i've been drinking has been working wonders.

so last night i was all content to call it an early night and go to bed at a reasonable hour, mainly because i had to open the store this morning (i had to be there at 6:30am). that plan got thrown in the trashheap at around 11pm when a couple of co-workers (my manager being one of them, no less) called up and wanted to hang out. we sat on my back deck shooting the shit and drinking a bunch of beer until about 2 in the morning. then i tried to go to bed, not succeeding at falling asleep for some time. i got up at 5:45, getting a grand total of about 3 hours of sleep.

and then work. and massive amounts of coffee.

and then home. and lunch. hopefully soon a nap. i have to open again tomorrow. i am so not a morning person.

this weekend: chicago. hot snakes. flattop grill. beer. fun.

- 04:13 pm :: permalink
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