2000.11.30 shut the door so i can leave:

i am counting the minutes as they slowly tick by in this place called work. it's become a general slackfest around here, and most of my coworkers have already left for the day. why have i not left, you might ask? well…it's because i supposedly work a much later shift than everyone else, although i rarely stay here for the duration anymore. and do you really think i'm going to today? the day before i blow this pop stand for the better part of a week? yeah…keep thinking that.

so i'm really getting spooked about the availability of tickets for this here show. i haven't been abusing the grand and wonderful power that is transmission3000, lately. i only tend to do that here in town. okay. i've finally admitted it. i only started that damn site for two reasons: to get free recordings of bands and to get in free to shows. i'm a cheap, selfish bastard. sue me.

and in closing, i am completely elated to have rediscovered mark driver. i first found his writings back in '96 and i was completely blown away. this guy is the reason i ever got an itch to write for the web. you should check him out.

i'm gone.

- 05:09 pm
categories ::  Old Posts

