2000.12.19 you keep your face and i'll keep the rest:

scott, guy, and i went out to the mall today. we were on a mission. a mission to acquire the cover photo to the transmission3000 christmas cds. a mission to take pictures of santa. scott informed us that it's against the rules to take pictures in the mall (as a matter of fact, i remember being with scott when we were told that. it was him, lauren, and myself…sitting out front of the mall after his car died), so we decided to be secret agent about it. we set ourselves up in the food court, hopping from open table to open table until we scored the seat with the best view of the plaza below. the plaza where sat the fat man himself, don clausioni. scott snapped off a few pics before the other co-founder of transmission3000, steve, happened to show up on the scene. he hung out for a bit, while scott snapped pictures of the don endorsing pepsi and terrorizing children. after a few more snaps of "the man", scott decided to get ballsy. "let's get pics of that animatronic elf." this, of course, required us to leave our roost and proceed to the main floor. this held an element of danger and inspired a debate between guy and myself: should we provide scott cover? or should we wander apart from him so that we don't look so conspicuous?

and then scott lost his mind. "let's ask santa if you can sit on his lap while i take a picture." this boggled the mind. not only is it against the rules for a civilian to snap photos in the mall, but we were seriously cutting into 'ol jolly's livelihood. he was charging $10 a pop for his pics! i obviously couldn't resist a challenge and buckled, under the condition that scott would do the asking. a short second standing in line and we scored! the fat man's wranglers didn't give a fat shit! next thing i know, i'm sitting on the ol' toothgrinder's lap, asking him how shit's been. i informed him "i think i've been pretty nice," and then i was out of there. scott snapped a couple of pics, but missed the shaking of hands…true proof of a pact with the gift giving devil. high on our conquest, we decided to scram.

guy and i squeezed by ups to pick up the package that i missed the other day when seth was here. it turned out to be a mallrats dvd sent out from none other than my pal jack. this is a welcome addition to my dvd collection, and i think as soon as matt gets home this evening, i'll throw it in.

interesting addendum to my post about freezing doors: when i got home from jim's house sunday night, my door had frozen shut yet again. with me inside. i had to actually kick my way out of the car. joy of joys.

i'm gonna go get some warmth on…it's freezing in here.

- 06:51 pm :: permalink
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