2001.02.07 i'm gasoline:

well…i would have posted last night, but when i went to blogger, the server was down for upgrades. now that they have things straightened out…

i stopped by the record sore yesterday. i ended up picking up the hot snakes cd, which is frickin' amazing, and a disc by a band on slowdime called abilene. the abilene disc really has my interest. it's kind of in the vain of the new shipping news cd. really slow, low key kind of stuff. i'm digging it, even though i haven't listened to it near as much as the hot snakes. both cds come with a high recommendation. but you already knew that, right?

got the hair cut yesterday. i've been putting it off for a while, but i had the day off and some time to kill, so i went ahead and took care of the issue. you can check the results on the webcam, if you're so suited.

my stomach was feeling pretty odd yesterday. it felt like i was carrying around a boiling pit of acid inside me. so far this morning, the problem has not made itself known. hooray for that.

i sat around with paul and matt last night, watching the last part of that dune mini-series that was on the sci-fi channel. having not seen the first two parts, i'd have to say that my reaction was lukewarm, at best. that's not really comparing it to the david lynch version, either, considering that i've only seen half of that one and i was in "another state of mind." so…yeah…you get the point.

for the record: the archives are working again (they were working the day after the post that said they weren't, but i digress…), the permalinks should be fixed, as well. sorry for any confusion. we really didn't want to switch servers until we got at least the interim redesign done, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

and what i gotta do is get back to work…

- 12:17 pm :: permalink
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