2000.06.14 you're right and i'm always wrong:

well…where to start? i sent out a ton of emails last night notifying the bands about the redesign over at transmission3000 and then the email server decides to fuck up, so anyone who tried to email me back about it got bounced. just lovely.

and don't get me started on the grossly obese. you know what i'm talking about. those fat fucking people that act like it is my fault they weight 600 pounds. i'm a skinny guy, so maybe i'm making too much of this, but c'mon! it's not my fault your second cousin to the wooly mammoth. so don't be so fucking shitty to me. maybe it's just my job. it makes me angry…

the guys at us against them apparently aren't keen on the transmission3000 redesign. i guess i failed to mention to them that the redesign wasn't about a bunch of new shows. it was about being back at transmission3000.com. it was about getting rid of the 2 year old eyesore that was the old design. oh well. i don't really care what the fuck they said. they put a link to the page, so whatever. not that i don't like their site, which i do, i just think that their criticism was a little harsh.

sebastian finally updated signal drench. same with adam at kempa.

this could quite possibly be the strangest, yet funniest thing i've ever read.

not much else. that happens when your head is empty…

- 12:03 am :: permalink
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