2001.02.23 our work fills the pews:

ouch. this is officially two days without a post. i can't believe i didn't even say hi. what a bastard i am. oh well…get over it.

twice now i have turned down a return visit to fazoli's to gaze upon the aforementioned beauty from a few days ago. yep. opted out. not interested anymore. got bigger fish to fry. what does any of this mean?

it means that my job starts to feel like it is actually removing the life from my body. minute by minute, i'm dying in that hole. i took lunch way too early today, forcing me to sit through a huge eight hour stretch of the day with very little break time. this is not what we would refer to as a "good thing." hells no. this is, as they say, simply hell. i ended up bailing out of work a half hour early just because i couldn't stand being there another minute. i grabbed a coke out of the machine and trucked it home.

the house was empty when i got here. matt and brax were at band practice, and jess was nowhere to be found. this only became an issue when someone actually called for her. i know she's going out of town this weekend, but i don't have a clue when. things like that tend to happen around here. i can't say i don't enjoy having the house all to myself for a little while. it's peaceful. until i start blasting music.

so here it is, late as hell. the music is off and everyone is in bed but me. i've still got some email to write, but after that i'm thinking i'll head off to sleep, myself.

have a good night.

- 02:19 am :: permalink
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