2001.04.09 i might be wrong:

amnesiac watch: as paul may have already pointed out, there's a site out there that has gathered most of the tracks off of radiohead's forthcoming amnesiac that are available on the web and posted them all in one handy location. can't beat that with a stick.

it's a ludicrously beautiful day outside today, and i'm stuck in this monolithic deathtrap called "work." talk about stompin' a buzz. i'm off tomorrow, though, which is nice. i plan on going out and getting the ol' mop shaped up with a haircut. more details as they become available…

just in case you were wondering to do with your newly acquired super powers, the jla is hiring. sounds like a pretty nice payin' gig. the benefits can't be beat.

there's a nice new interview with the kilowatthours up over at delusions of adequacy. definitely worth a look-see.

spring fever is setting in…

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