2002.12.17 moving:

wow, i think this is the first time i've been able to see this site in nearly a week. apparently, our gracious web hosts have been in the midst of a massive undertaking involving moving into a new storefront. it was so nice that they sent out word and let everyone know that this was going to happen beforehand. i'm so glad that i knew exactly what was going on.

well anyway, after this recent spate of problems (which turn out to have been a "good thing," except for the whole loss of service issue), i've decided to switch hosts once again. on the positive side, the new hosting arrangement will afford me the opportunity to set up as many damned websites as i please for a single monthly fee. now, let's just hope the new shit is reliable. it certainly looks like they've got their act together, so, my hopes are up.

i thought i'd jump on here real quick while i had the opportunity, just in case the site stays up for more than 10 minutes this time. the changeover to the new host should happen in the next day or so…

- 01:40 pm :: permalink
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