2001.12.19 bareassed and beautiful:

it looks like scott and i will be seeing lord of the rings tomorrow night. i went up to the theatre to purchase us some of them there ticket things and they were sold out of the late show. since scott works until 10, we opted to just see it tomorrow night. hopefully at least one or two idiots will dress up like hobbits and brandish reynold's wrap swords and say stupid things like "adventure ho!" and "may the….ring…uh…be with you." those people really make my day. kinda like all the retarded little harry potter kids at the theatre on opening night for that.

man. i just called a bunch of kids retarded. pretty harsh. but those books and that movie were so overhyped, it's ridiculous.

i just keep thinking of the fat guy dressed as darth maul at the episode one opening night. we all told him that if he didn't put his lightsaber away, he was gonna walk out of the theatre with it stuffed up his ass. always a good time.

i ate mcdonald's for lunch. halfway through the meal i remembered that i totally fucking hate mcdonald's. i figure walking into one of those hellholes is not unlike sucking the devil's cock. yup. i figure that's a pretty close comparison.

ben will be home tomorrow. this only means even more q'doba will be eaten. he'll probably go with me and scott to go see the movie tomorrow night.

me and scott? scott and i? who gives a fuck?

did you know that at movietickets.com, to buy a ticket, all you need to do is…click it? …now i feel dirty.

i finally talked to "the girl (who isn't the girl, but i keep calling her that because there's a slight chance that she still is the girl and i just don't know it)" last night. looks like we have plans to do something on saturday. that is, of course, if she doesn't cancel on me again. that would blow. expect the worst, right? yeah. so i'll give her the gift and then she'll be like "oop! i've gotta go paint my toenails!" and that'll be the end of that.

or something.

it's raining. it was completely sunny when i came into this joint, this morning. hell…it was semi-nice out when i went out to pick up the tickets for the movie. hrm.

and so it goes.

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