2002.08.16 the older you get, the less you're worth:

scott and i ended up watching dogtown and z-boys last night. it's an awesome movie, and i highly recommend it to anyone who has any interest in skateboarding, whatsoever. they set the jay adams part up to be so sad, but you never figure out why its such a bummer until the very end of the movie. there's a whole generation of kids out there that think that skateboarding began with tony hawk…

not much else has been going on. just work and other such nonsense. i skipped yet another show last night (second story man…sorry guys)…i just don't feel like going out, lately. it's a sickness. i'm sure i'll get over it. especially considering it's friday and i'm off tomorrow. looks like an opening to party if i've ever seen one…

i have to leave for work in seven minutes…

the kentucky state fair started last night. i've decided i want to get a bunch of people together, hit the beer tent, get loaded, and then wander around the fair. something tells me all the retarded redneck bullshit will be a hell of a lot more entertaining at that point.

time to scoot to work…

- 12:29 pm :: permalink :: 2 comments
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2 Responses to “the older you get, the less you're worth:”

the puffin said:

i just realized how much drunken cow tipping could take place at the state fair! a whole lot of beer, a whole lot of cow, and a whole lot of mullet to provide bad redneck influence!

# August 16, 2002,

brian. said:

meet you at the tractor pull!

# August 17, 2002,

