2002.02.26 my empty heart, my empty arms:

so i've decided to start doing a monthly mix cd again. i figure, now that i'm back at the old job, printing covers is a snap. and free. i've already started work on the one for march. it's turning out to be a gloves off rockfest. keep your eyes peeled for details.

yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day, which is quite rare for this time of year. today…snow. this exemplifies why those beautiful days are so rare…

but…snow is beautiful too. right?

i officially hate the bastards at nbc. first they get me addicted to scrubs. when i finally come to grips with the fact that i work past when it's on, i set the vcr to tape it. well…the fuckers trumped me. they put that new show, that god damn watching ellie, in scrubs spot without telling me. you'd think the fuckers could have sent a memo. you know "hey, brian…we're moving scrubs to 9:30 so we can play this hip new show that we won't let run past 4 episodes because it sucks." thanks, assholes. now i have a tape of the pilot for watching ellie. splendid.

bastards. you won't be able to pull that shit on me next week…hell no. i'm checking tvguide.com before i program anything. ha!

damn snow.

- 09:38 pm :: permalink :: 4 comments
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4 Responses to “my empty heart, my empty arms:”

xxx halloween jack xxx said:

See, this is why you are going to have to knock over a gas station or something and get TiVo. I told it I like "Scrubs" and now I just find the new episode on the recorder every week, even if the time slot changes. Very nice.

# February 27, 2002,

brian. said:

fucker. you dirty dirty scumsucking fucker.

no…no…i'm mad at nbc and not you. i hate watching ellie…not my good friend jack. not jack…

(was it a good episode? run it off on a tape for mee, chief)

# February 27, 2002,

Sebastian said:

By "gloves off" affair, does that include drumming gloves? I always thought they were pretty rockin'.*

# February 27, 2002,

brian. said:

the first band i was ever in involved the drummer wearing batting gloves. he played so hard it gave him blisters and they were pretty painful.

# February 27, 2002,

