2002.07.19 the phone won't stop screaming:

paul may have very well contributed to my inability to function as a normal member of society. last night i was over there hanging out with matt and i ended up borrowing the sopranos season one dvd set. well…18 or so hours later, i'm now on my eighth episode of the crime drama. keep in mind that i watched six straight, last night. six straight hours of mob dysfunction. it's no wonder i'm also in the middle of cooking up a big mess of pasta…

so i have an obsessive personality…big deal. i liked the show a lot back when we used to have hbo.

the job search continues. i've got some solid leads, but i'm killing another hour or so before i go put in more apps. i figure i'll flood the market and see what calls back.

oh yeah…i also made a call to be an extra in a movie, next week. the first step to me conquering hollywood, i'm sure. expect a full update when the shit goes down.

- 04:00 pm :: permalink :: 1 comment
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One Response to “the phone won't stop screaming:”

paul said:

bwa-hahahaha! my secret messages hidden within the sopranos dvds have taken hold of brian's soul. i will crush his spirit and make him my slave. bwa-hahahahah!

# July 20, 2002,

