2003.01.08 what is the word?:

just a quick check-in on my way to work…

one of my new reviews is up over on 75 or less. the lucky record getting reviewed: twenty years of dischord. i should have a bunch more reviews popping their heads up soon enough. i kinda went on a review writing binge the other night. keep your eyes peeled for 'em.

now i have to dash to work…

- 11:42 am :: permalink :: 3 comments
categories ::  Old Posts

3 Responses to “what is the word?:”

kiki said:

oooooh… ten days. what has happened?

# January 18, 2003,

brad said:

He's napping.

# January 18, 2003,

brian. said:

or just lazy…

# January 19, 2003,

