2001.05.23 i used to be you:

i slept late this morning. i forgot to turn my alarm on when i finally wedged myself beneath the covers last night. i was tired. i had a swarm of good thoughts in my head. the alarm was the furthest from my waking conscious. i cracked my eyes open at about 9:30am and panicked. i had slept over by an hour and a half and was already a half hour late to work, even if i was able to teleport directly there. i went through the morning ritual on hyperspeed, surprisingly i didn't forget anything.

i decided to take a chance and stop off for some coffee on the way in. i think it was much needed, and you always have to answer that call. i lucked out. there is coffee in my coffee. as a matter of fact, there's extra coffee in my coffee. i mentioned not getting a proper mocha last time, so she was like "do you want an extra shot today?" my answer was a resounding "hells yes." now i am awake. bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. okay…maybe not that awake. maybe still a little dim-eyed and tailless.

jesse gave me a card that has reed richards on it, brandishing the ultimate nullifier. this will only mean something to paul and matt.

did i mention that there's actually coffee in my coffee?

it's feeling uncomfortably warm in here, this morning. it feels pretty nice outside today (aside from the spitting rain), but just…strangely warm. that kind of warm that makes you feel sticky and uncomfortable.

this is just kind of sickening. [i would say thanks to molly, but should you really thank someone for showing you something so horrible? how about "link courtesy of molly"?]

i have a vacation day approved for sunday, meaning i have a four day weekend to look forward to. i have some big plans. i hope they pull through.

i don't take your silence as a negative thing. i know you're just listening.

- 11:25 am :: permalink
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