2003.11.05 another domino falls:

this morning, i and around 485,000 other Kentuckians will wake up to accept begrudgingly that, after 32 years, the highest seat in the state government will now be occupied by a Republican. around 594,000 will rise with grins and self-congratulatory glances as they bask in the reality of their improbable victory. The other 73 percent of this state's citizens will… well, they'll… well, who knows what the fuck they'll think, because they couldn't be bothered to GET UP OFF THEIR LAZY ASSES AND VOTE!

honestly though, i just say that because i finally can after having been one of those lazy asses for almost 10 years.

still, Fletcher has won, and yet another layer of the government that directly affects my life has been peeled away and replaced with something i don't agree with.

at this point, i will refrain from making any direct comments about the circumstances of his victory, but rest assured, it'll be eating at my craw for a while so i'll probably throw some crap out there at you from time to time. despite my total opposition to Fletcher, i think that he has the ability to be a fine governor, as long as he can accomplish the goals he's set out for himself and also get a damned budget approved. i fear for some of the conservative agendas he'll push, i fear for some of the agendas he won't push because of his indebtedness to special interests, and i fear for his ability to fight for the betterment of kentucky outside the state–against the policies of an administration to which he has proved so blindly loyal.

i hope that he can pass his medical malpractice damage cap agenda, and that he can actually do something to shore up medicaid and reduce prescription prices in the state as he's promised. i hope that he can work to protect the individual liberties of kentucky's citizens, and that he can improve the state of the educational system.

i hope that he understands that, especially in light of the platform he campaigned on ("democrats are dirty filthy amoral people" — paraphrased) that he will endeavor to keep himself and every member of his administration scandal free; because i know that if the Democratic Party gets even one whiff of scandal off him, they will be on him like a pack of dogs. and even more so, they will be digging for it. hopefully though, they will be gracious enough to not actually hinder his efforts. the last thing this state needs right now is political gridlock.

there's also an interesting/amusing/ironic/sort-of-sad anecdote from election day relating to yours truly, but in the interest of drama and me getting to sleep, i'll postpone the actually fairly short tale until later.

- 03:14 am :: permalink :: 5 comments
categories ::  Politics - Rants - Society - Upset/Dislike

5 Responses to “another domino falls:”

Sara said:

Well, sweety, I'm glad you want him to fix the malpractice problem–since it will directly affect you!!

# November 5, 2003,

brian. said:

"Don't blame me…I voted for Chandler."

I also voted for Gatewood Galbraith, and we see where that got me.

# November 5, 2003,

m@ said:

the malpractice suit damage cap thing is pretty much the only splinter of his platform that i liked, chandler had a few ideas of his own, and where fletcher and chandler's ideas intertwined, i generally preferred the way chandler approached them.

i want fletcher to win the damage caps because a) it's desperately needed, b) he friggin promised, c) i want my baby to be able to practice her craft in this state.

and i have to say i cast my vote for Galbraith as well (as did everyone else in this particular household, i found out after the fact). he made a good showing of it. too bad it sounds like he'll not run for another office. i didn't like either of the other AG choices. Gestumbo was a bit too fascistic, and Woods was pushing his christian agenda a little too loudly to be proper for a public office contender.

# November 5, 2003,

brian. said:

Gatewood had me at "Hello."

And then he hooked me totally with "I like pot."

# November 6, 2003,

m@ said:

The line that made my heart flutter was "I'm an Independent."

# November 7, 2003,

